Buildup to Odem   1 comment

The first national event in Odem forest is in two weeks, and all the preparations are finished. I've been working on this project since June 2009, and I've also written quite a lot about it:
My next mapping project
The best terrain in Israel
The best map in Israel
The problem with Odem is that it's very far away (by Israeli standards) from most of the country, so attendance at the event would normally be lower. That's why I'm trying to promote the event more than usual, and make sure people know that this is something special. So I prepared a short "trailer" video with my headcam, showing a short course in the forest:

I'm thinking of sending the long course to the World of O course of the year competition, but of course I can do that only after the event.

Meanwhile, I'm off tonight on another business trip to the USA. I'm staying for an additional day at the end, and participating in the Hickory Run A-meet, which should be fun. I've looked at maps of previous events there, and the terrain looks great – though they're using a new section this time.

Posted 30/10/2010 by dchissick in Uncategorized

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One response to “Buildup to Odem

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  1. Moty Schor writes:Odem forest is also called "The death forest" .If you lose contact with the map, you are considered as a "dead man"…:(Anyway we are looking forward for this event !

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